To maintain soil health and its productivity, The Government is promoting soil test based balanced
and judicious use of chemical fertilizers, bio-fertilizers and locally available organic manures like
Farm Yard Manure, compost, Vermi Compost and Green manure.
‘Soil Health Card’ (SHC) scheme has been launched. Soil health cards provide information to farmers
on nutrients status of their soil along with recommendations on appropriate dosage of nutrients to
be applied for improving soil health and its fertility.
In order to reduce use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the country, Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) is recommending Integrated Pest Management and Integrated Nutrient
Management (INM) envisaging conjunctive use of both inorganic and organic sources of nutrients.
Under the ambit of (IPM) programme, the Government has established 31 Central IPM Centres to
educate farmers about mechanical, cultural and biological control measures including use of bio
pesticides against different crop pests and weeds and judicious use of chemical pesticides as a
measure of last resort.