To sort out the problems emerging due to global climate change, it is imperative to develop hybrid seeds of improved
variety for the areas of varied agricultural climate, said Shri Radha Mohan Singh, the Union Minister for Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare.
It is also very necessary to work out the issues of bio and non-bio adverse effects along with improvement in productivity.
He present in a function organized for Plant Genome Saviour Awards at PUSA.
Agriculture Minister extended his hearty congratulations to the five award winner groups for Genome Protection in the
function organized on above said subjects.
Shri Singh said that, Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers’ Rights Act (PPV&FRA) 2001 has been enforced to promote the
new species of plants, for the preservation of plants as well as Rights of the farmers. Protection of Plant Varieties &
Farmers’ Rights Authority has been constituted so as to implement this constitution in November, 2005.
To improve the parameters relating to IP profile, management as well as utilization of IP for the plant species, the
Authority will endeavour. The institutes related to Indian Council of Agricultural Research, State Agriculture Universities
(SAU) and National Seed Association of India (NSAI) etc will work together.