Deputy Commissioner –cum Secretary, State Agricultural Marketing Board, U.T. Chandigarh decided
to open Apni mandies at the existing venues of Punjab Mandi Board but on different days. These
mandies will be held on all week days in different Sectors as per the schedule.
Identity cards will be issued by the Chairman Market Committee to the farmers free of cost on
submission of application and an affidavit by the applicants. The Identity cards will be valid for a
period of one year and it will be renewed in the month of April every year by the Committee.
Every farmer/vendor will be required to keep this I.D. Card at the time of entry into the mandi
otherwise they will not be given the entry. To avoid any unauthorized persons/encroachments,
Municipal Corporation and Police will be requested to take action.
No vendor or farmer will be allowed to use polythene bag or calcium carbide for ripening of fruits.
The I.D. Card holders will not claim any permanent allotment on the basis of the I.D. Card.
Inauguration of Apni Mandi/ Kisan Mandi will be done by the Worthy Advisor to Administrator U.T.
The functioning of the mandies will be supervised by the Market Committee.