Cumbu is the second most important nutritious millet cultivated mostly in dryland areas. Rajasthan,
Maharashtra, Haryana, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh are Major Cumbu producing states in India. Tamil
Nadu is the first in cumbu productivity in the country.
Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Haryana, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh are Major Cumbu producing states in
India. Tamil Nadu is the first in cumbu productivity in the country. In Tamil Nadu, cumbu is
cultivated in two seasons, during May-June and October – November months.
In 2014-15, cumbu occupied an area of about 0.59 lakh hectares with a production of 1.71 lakh
tonnes and productivity of 2.89 tonnes with an increase of 9 percent and 46 percent in area and
production respectively compared to previous year.
Back office of Agro Marketing Intelligence and Business Promotion Centre (AMI &BPC), Centre for
Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (CARDS) in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University have
analysed the last 13 years prices of cumbu.
Econometric analysis predicted that the farm gate price of cumbu would revolve around Rs.2100-
2300 per quintal during April – May 2016.