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Agriculture Loan and Insurance

Agriculture Finance : Poultry Finance By Bank of India

Purpose Establishment of small poultry (layer or broiler) units of 200 to 500 birds as subsidiary occupation by the farmers and agricultural labourers.
Individual registered partnership firms, limited companies and registered co-operative societies having necessary trained and technical personnel and management experts for running following commercial poultry units –
Establishment/ expansion of layer farm/ broiler farm
Establishment/ expansion of hatchery farm
Establishment/expansion of production-cum-processing units.
EligibilityIndividual Farmers, Agricultural Labourers who are experienced/ trained in poultry management, Individual Registered Partnership Firms, Limited Companies, etc., are eligible for bank credit for large poultry units.
These units should have trained/ technically qualified personnel for running the unit.
Quantum of financeThe amount of finance will depend upon the type and size of the poultry unit.
SecurityPrincipal/ Collateral
Loans up to Rs.1.00 lakh – Hypothecation of live stocks & others
Loan limit above Rs.1.00 lakh - Hypothecation of live stocks & others.
Equitable or Legal Mortgage or Deed of Declaration of land/ superstructure, as appropriate.
Suitable Third Party Guarantee
MarginLoan up to Rs.1.00 lakh - Nil
Loan over Rs.1.00 lakh – 15% to 25% depending upon the size of the project.
For marginal/ small farmers, agricultural labourers and scheduled castes/ scheduled tribes and other weaker sections, subsidy available from various sources to be treated as margin.
Rate of interestInterest Rates as decided by the Bank from time to time.
Insurance Comprehensive insurance of birds covering diseases to be obtained for poultry development under all government sponsored schemes, small & medium poultry farms having bird strength up to 10000.
In respect of commercial farms & hatchery units having fully automated management system or environmentally controlled management, obtention of comprehensive insurance of birds covering diseases be waived, irrespective of its size.
Obtention of regular fire and strikes, note, civil commotion (SRCC) comprehensive insurance policy for poultry structure, hatchery building, other civil work, machinery, equipment, feed mill, stock of feeds, medicines, vehicles, etc. financed under poultry development schemes.