How to Manage Black Soil Problems?
To overcome problems in black soil, agriculturist or researchers mentioned some tips and information related to black soil management which is given below.
1. Small watershed resource management to conserve moisture and reduce erosion.
2. Application of moderate amount of NP fertilizers followed by the dry sowing of two rows of sorghum or maize on the side of the bed and a central row of pigeonpea as an intercrop about a week before the expected date of onset of the monsoon. (Use disease resistant varieties)
3. Counter cultivation alone increased crop yields by about 34% in growing sorghum across seasons as it arrests runoff and erosion by offering more time for the rain water to penetrate through innumerable miniature barriers created in the form of contour furrows, when compared to up-and-down cultivation.
4. Vertical mulching: keeping sorghum stubbles as vertical mulch in trenches 40cm deep, 15cm wide and protruding 10cm above the ground level enhanced the available soil moisture by 4 to 5 cm and thereby improved grain yields by as much as 400 to 500% in drought years and 40 to 50 % in normal years over unmulched plots.
5. Research shows that advanced planting of rabi crops by 20-30 days results in increased yield due to higher moisture availability and better utilization of nutrients.
6. Studies showed Intercropping of pearl millet/pigeonpea (2:1) or sorghum/mung bean (1:1) or sorghum/pigeonpea (2:1) results in increased yield.
7. Crop sequences such as mung bean-safflower, sorghum-safflower, maize-safflower, sorghum-chickpea, maize-chickpea showed better yield in Bijapur, Akola and Indore region.
Source: International Crop Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
