According to Ind-Ra Kharif crop product may be better in 2015 Home

According to India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) the total area sown under kharif crops up to 4th Sept is 99.87 million hectares and the overall kharif output is expected to be better than last year.

As compared to last year there is increase of 1.93 mhac area sown under kharif crops. Rabi crop benefit a lot from the retained moisture in the soil and the level of water in the major reservoirs across the country.

On 3rd September the water level was 92.92 billion cubic metre in major lake, which is 6 per cent lower than that last year. Also, the impact of a less-than-normal monsoon on rural consumption would also be less severe than what it used to be a decade ago or earlier due to the rising share of non-agricultural income in the rural income.
