Agriculture News

For Clean, Smart and Profitable Farming.

Agriculture Information product

Digital Agriculture Information Products by ICAR. Pl. contact ICAR for buying CD’s.

Name of the CDs Price
CD of Indian Horticulture covering full text articles/information
published in the Journals during 1991-2000
Individual : Rs. 200 and US $ 50
Institutions: Rs. 600 and US $ 150
CD of Indian Farming covering full text articles/information
published in the Journals during 1996-2000
Individual : Rs. 250 and US $ 65
Institutions: Rs. 600 and US $ 150
CD of ICAR Vision 2020 developed in HTML format for
easy navigation through all the chapter
Rs. 500.00 and US $ 125
CD of National Agricultural Research Database containing 4009 bibliographic
records, published in different Indian Journal which is fully searchable
Rs. 1000.00 and US $ 250
CD of All India Co-ordinated Research projects (AICRP) contains information
of 82 AICRPs. The CD of this database is useful and act as information
source at national level
Rs. 2000.00 and US $ 500
CD of Digital Photo Library contains information on photographic material.
The photographs were digitized by scanning and the description about the
photos were entered in the database
Rs. 5000.00 and US $ 250