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ICAR-IIHR Organizing National Horticulture Fair 2018

Date: March 15-17, 2018
Venue: Bengaluru, Karnataka

The ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru is organizing the National Horticultural Fair - 2018 in association with Department of Horticulture, Government of Karnataka. The programme of three days envisages knowledge management on recent innovations of tools and technologies in the area of horticulture besides addressing emerging challenges in production and distribution of seeds and planting material for horticultural crops, climate change, abiotic and biotic stresses, energy crisis, value chain management and markets through showcasing and interactions between subject matter specialists, model farmers (experience sharing) and farmers every day.

The fair is likely to have 100 high tech stalls of size 10' x 10'. Stall charges will be Rs. 15,000/- . Stalls may be booked in advance by remitting the stall charges along with duly filled registration form (enclosed) on or before February 20, 2018. For booking the exhibition stall, kindly contact Dr. T.S. Aghor a , Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetables, ICAR-IIHR (E-mail: aghor[at]

The National Horticultural Fair aims to accomplish;
* Knowledge sharing process on innovative horticultural technologies developed under National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) in collaboration with line departments through showcasing of technologies and demonstrations

* A common platform to the service providers in the area of horticulture viz., ICAR institutes, SAUs, Developmental Departments, Private industries, Financial institutions, NGOs , FPOs and Marketfunctionaries etc., for interaction with the farming communities

* Scientists - Farmers - Stakeholders Interface for effective dissemination of horticultural technologies

Sectors covered in the National Horticultural Fair:
- Fruits
- Vegetable crops
- Ornamental crops
- Tuber crops
- Medicinal & Aromatic crops
- Mushrooms
- Plantation crops
- Spices crops
- Nursery industry
- Beekeeping
- Post-harvest technology & value addition


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