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FFA Students Test Their Ag Skills during the Colorado Career Development Events at CSU

Approximately 1,500 FFA students from around the state competed in the Colorado FFA Career Development Events, hosted over the course of two days at Colorado State University in early May.

The FFA CDEs are contests in which participating FFA members in grades 7 to 12 test their skills learned through agricultural education instruction.

Events test competencies across a range of topics such as employment skills, floriculture, technical and mechanical systems, livestock judging and milk quality and product judging. During the events, students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement.

Kenzie Matarozzo, an alumna of the Colorado FFA Plateau Valley chapter, was one of the many CSU students volunteering their time to facilitate the day’s events. She is studying equine science and agricultural education.

“FFA has a large part of my heart,” said Matarozzo, who served as the emcee for the horse judging contests at the B.W. Pickett Arena. “I actually competed in this exact contest when I was in high school, so it’s special to me. I wanted to come offer my expertise and help out.”

Career Development Events occur at the local, state and national levels. The 2022 National FFA Convention and Expo will take place October 26-29.


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