of soil structure:
is very important in plant growth relationship as it chiefly influences the amount and
nature of porosity and regulates the moisture air regime in the soil. The best structures
are mechanically stable and strong but when they absorb moisture and are wet they become
soft and loose their shape and size. Soils high in water table aggregates are fewer bends
to puddle. Structure is one of the properties, which is easily liable to change under
different management practices such as ploughing, draining, liming, fertilizing and
manuring. Addition of organic matter and its proper decomposition are important for
building up and maintenance of soil structure. Grasses are most effective in promoting
arrangement of primary soil particles in the compound particles of clusters, that are
separated from adjoining aggregates and have properties unlike those of an equal mass of
unaggregated primary soil particles. Aggregates are secondary units or granules composed
of many soil particles bound or cemented together by organic substance iron oxides and
carbonates, Natural aggregates are called peds and vary in their water stability.
consists pieces of broken ped. Concretion is formed within the soil by the precipitation
of salts dissolved in percolating water. Structure is best studied in the field under
natural condition and it is described under three categories.
¶ Type:
Shape and forms and arangement pattern of ped.
· Class:
Size of peds.
¸ Grade:
Degree of distinctness of ped.
of structures
are the principle geometric forms of soil structure.
Platee or platelike:
horizontal dimensions are much developed than the vartical giving a flattened, compressed
or lens like appearance to the peds. When the units are thick then they are called platy
and when the units are thin they are called laminar plate often overlap and impair
permeability. Generally this type of structure is found in forest and clay pan soils.
Block or Blocklike: (Blocky)
All 3
dimensions are of about the same size and the peds are cube like with flat or rounded
faces. When the faces and edges are mainly rounded it is called subangular blocky found in
B-horizon. Either some of the block like structure were called nutty or nuciform.
In case of
spheriodal structures, the aggregates are rounded but when curved or irregular and less
porous the structure is called granular. Granular structures are not fitted to adjoining
aggregates. It is found in horizon A.
It is
pillar like ped, which is rounded at the top structure, is known as columnar. It is
laterally bounded by columnar aggregates, which forms the cost for the peds.
Prism like or prismatic:
vertical axis is more developed than other with flattened sides giving a pillar like
shape, when the top of such ped is rounded the structure is termed as columnar and when
flat it is termed as prismatic. Prismatic aggregates form the cast for the peds. Some
prismatic aggregates break into smaller blocky peds.
Crumb structure:
structure, the aggregates are rounded and relatively porous, it is called crumb structure.
Small and spheroidal peds not filled to adjoining aggregates. Amongst all kind of
structures described above the crumb structure is the most ideal for crops. It is closely
related to various soil properties like
i. Good
drainage, aeration and removal of excess water.
ii. Spread
of plant roots
Resistant to erosion etc.
of Structure
There are
following classes based on their size they are:
1) Very
fine or very thin (2) Fine or thin (3) Medium (4) Coarse or thick
of structure
indicates the degree of distinctness of the individual peds. Four terms commonly used to
describe the grade of the soil structure are:
Structureless: There are no noticeable peds such as conditions exhibited by loose sand or
cement like conditions of some clay soils.
2. Weak:
Instinct formation of peds, which are barely durable.
Moderate: Moderately well developed peds, which are fairly durable and distinct.
4. Strong:
Strong well developed peds are durable and distinct. |