The genus Nicotiana has more than 60 species, of which two are commercially cultivated for the production of tobacco. They are N.tabacum and N.rustica. Almost all states in India grow tobacco, but the important ones are Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Bihar, West Bengal, and Uttar PradeshThe species N. tabacum is grown in almost all the states, whereas the cultivation of N.rustica is confined to the northern and north eastern states, where the temperature are considerably lower during the season. India produces a wide range of commercial types of tobacco.
tobacco 50-100cm annual rainfall and 15-20o C temperature
during growth period is ideal. Tobacco cannot stand if rainfall is
more than 100cm. After harvesting to dry the leaves it requires bright
sunshine & dry weather but not less than containing 8% moisture.
Too dry weather is not suitable as leaves break into small pieces.
Different types of soil are required for tobacco. Bidi tobacco is
grown as a rainfed crop mostly in alluvial soils, black clayey or
loamy soils. Cigar and cheroot tobaccos are cultivated on grey to red
soils varying from light gravelly to sandy loams. The chewing tobacco
is grown throughout the country under varying conditions of soils. For
quality cigar soil should be mixed with sand. Soil should be well
Flue-Cured:- Harrison special, Chatham, Delcrest, Virginia gold, Kanakaprabha, Whit gold, Dhanadayi
Bidi: -Keliu-49, Keliu-20, Surati-20, Anand-2, Anand-3, Anand-23, Anand-119, Kunkumathiri
Natu: -D.G.3, D.G.4, D.R.1
Cigar filler: -OL-10, VV-2, KV-1, I-462
Cherrot: - OK-1, 1-737
Chewing: -I-64, PV-7, WR-2, I-115, VTK-1, VD-1, S-1, P-4, S-57, Anand-145
Hookah and chewing: -N.P.70, N.P.35, D.P.401, D.D.413, N.P.18, N.P.20
Wrapper: -Dixie shade
Burley: -Ky-16, Ky-58
6-10 ploughing are given by way of preparatory cultivation. Digging with a spade, followed by ploughing with a mould board plough and a country plough and then a harrowing is recommend. Farmyard manure is usually applied and the dose varies from 10-125 cartloads per hectare for different types of tobacco. Application of phosphorus and potash was found beneficial for some tobaccos.
The distance between the rows and between the plants within a row varies with the type of tobacco. a spacing of 80cm
x 80cm for natu and the flue cured. Virginia tobacco in black soils and 100cm x60cm for the flue-cured.
The nurseries for producing seedlings are located on sandy or sandy loams.
Rabbing the nursery area is practised in some places. Manuring and
cultural practices vary greatly in different tobacco growing areas.
The seed is sown on raised or flat well-prepared seedbeds with intervening
channels. A seed rate of 3-5kg per hectare has been found to be the
optimum for all types of tobacco. The nursery sowing is varies from
state to state and types of tobaccos is given as:-
- For the flue cured, Virginia and natu tobacco in Andhra Pradesh are sown
in August-September and in Karnataka in April-May.
- For the bidi tobacco in Gujarat and Karnataka, the nurseries are sown in
June-July for the cigar, cheroot and chewing tobaccos in Tamil Nadu in
- For the hookah and chewing tobaccos in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West
Bengal in August-October.
To protect the tender seedlings from desiccation on a sunny day and from
washing off during heavy rains, different covers or mulches were found
useful in different areas. Suitable control measures are to be adopted
rigorously to keep the nurseries healthy. Top dressing of nitrogen is
to be given, as and when required, from the third week onwards to
boost the growth of the seedlings. Normally, the seedlings will be
ready for transplanting in 6-8 weeks. Water should be reduced a week
before removing the seedlings in order to harden them.
Fertilizer dose is varying in different tobacco growing areas. A general dose of for tobacco is 25 tonnes of farmyard manure or filter press cake as a layer; 100kg phosphorus as a basal dressing and 100kg of nitrogen as top-dressing in installments per hectare should be applied.
Virginia tobacco on black soils is not normally irrigated, but the crop on light soils is given up to six irrigations. The irrigation water should not contain more than 50pm of chlorides, as otherwise the leaves get burnt and other qualities suffer. In black soils also, in adverse conditions, one irrigation on 40 day old plants is recommended
When after the plants get established i.e. about 20 days after
planting, the tobacco fields are given frequent intercultring and
weeding to conserve the soil moisture and check the growth of weeds.
Mulching the crop with paddy straw at 3600 kg per hectare after the
first interculture is beneficial in the case of the flue-cured
virginia tobacco on black soils in increasing the yields and improving
the quality by conserving soil moisture.
Topping is the removal of the
flower head alone or along with some of the top leaves of the plant.
Most of the types of tobacco are topped and suckered for improving the
size, body and quality of the leaves. The level of topping varies from
type to type and ranges from high topping to the very low topping. In
the case of the flue-cured virginia tobacco only the flowerhead is
removed, leaving all the 20-24 leaves intact while in case of chewing
tobacco only 7-8 leaves are retained on the plant.
Tobacco leaf-eating caterpillar
caterpillars, when young, feed gregariously on tender leaves and juicy
stems. It becomes isolated at the later stages of growth.
and destruction of egg masses and caterpillars and thorough ploughing
after the harvest of the crop. At the early stage of infestation dusting with 10% Carbaryl at 20-25
kg/ha controls the pest satisfactory.
Stem borers
The caterpillars bore into stems and caused characteristics
gall-like swellings on them.
Preventive measures include the removal and destruction of the
affected stems during the growth of the crop also after harvesting the
crop-stray and wild tobacco plants should be destroyed. Care
should be taken to plant healthy seedlings from the seedbed if
infestation is noticed at the seeding stage.
constant feeding on sap, the leaves look sickly and become unfit for
curing. They excrete out honeydew while feeding on plant sap, where the sooty mould (fungus) also
develops.The quality of such leaves thus deteriorated. The Rosettee disease of tobacco is know
to be transmitted by these aphids.
Spraying with 0.02% phosphamidon, parathion, methyl demeton, thiometon or menazen
effective for controlling the pest.
The leaves are considered ready for harvesting when the normal green
colour changes to yellowish green or to light yellow. The harvesting
time of different types of tobacco is different as below: -
The flue-cured Virginia tobacco is harvested during December-March in
Andhra Pradesh and during July-September in Karnataka.
bidi tobacco is harvested in January-February.
cigar and cheroot tobaccos are harvested 90-100 days after planting
when the leaves pucker and become brittle and yellowish green.
chewing tobacco is harvested 110-120 days after planting when the
leaves develop pronounced puckering
hookah tobacco (rustica) is harvested in May or June, and the tabacum
harvested when broad flecks appear on the leaves.
whole plants are harvested in the case of the bidi, cigar and cheroot,
chewing and hookah tobaccos. The average yield of tobacco leaf per
hectare is about 750kg and 950kg for the flue cured Virginia and the
natu tobacco. 1,000 kg, 450kg and 350kg for the bidi tobacco. 1,250 kg
and 1,600 kg for the cigar and cheroot and chewing tobaccos. 950kg,
850kg and 800 kg for the hookah and chewing tobaccos