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Biofertilizers News

Azotobacter: Indian Government Promoting Bio-Fertilizers

Based on net cultivated area, the total requirement of various bio-fertilizers that are required for seed/root treatment and soil is estimated to be about 0.426 million ton. Government is promoting bio-fertilizers through various schemes of National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)/ Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP), National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and Indian Council of Agricultural Sciences (ICAR).

The Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) under Network project on Organic Farming is undertaking research to develop location specific organic farming package of practices for crops and cropping systems. Currently, the project is being implemented in 20 centres located in state covering 16 States.

Organic farming package of practices for 18 crops/cropping systems have been developed. Besides, under ICAR’s Network project on Soil Biodiversity-Bio fertiliser has developed improved and efficient strains of bio fertiliser specific to different crops and soil types. Liquid Bio fertiliser technology with higher shelf life has also been developed.

The Council has developed technologies to prepare various types of organic manures from various organic wastes, such as phosphor compost, vermi compost, municipal solid waste compost, bio-enriched compost etc. The ICAR also imparts training, organizes Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) to educate farmers on all these aspects.

Some schemes for promoting bio-fertilizers are,
1. National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)-Organic & INM Component of Soil Health Management (SHM): Setting up of State of art liquid/ carrier based Bio fertilizer/ Bio pesticide units, 100% Assistance to State Govt/Govt. Agencies upto a maximum limit of Rs.160.00 lakh /unit and 25% of cost limited to Rs.40 lakh/unit for individuals/ private agencies through NABARD as capital investment of 200 TPA production capacity.

2. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY): It is the first comprehensive scheme launched by the Central Government as a centrally sponsored programme (CSP). The scheme is implemented by the State Governments on a cluster basis of 20 hectare each. The farmer within the cluster is given financial assistance upto a maximum of 1 ha and the limit of assistance is Rs.50,000 per ha during the conversion period of 3 years. The target is to promote 10,000 clusters covering 5 lakh acres over the period of 3 years, 2015-16 to 2017-18.

3. National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP): Financial assistance is being provided for different type of components including bio-fertilisers, Supply of Rhizobium culture/Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB)/ Zinc Solubilising Bacteria (ZSB)/ Azatobacter/ Mycorrhiza and vermi compost.

4. National Food Security Mission (NFSM): Under NFSM, financial assistance is provided for promotion of Bio-Fertilizer (Rhizobium/PSB) @50% of the cost limited to Rs.300 per ha.

5. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY): Organic Farming projects are considered by respective State Level Sanctioning committee

6. Indian Council of Agricultural Sciences (ICAR): The Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), Pusa under Network project on Soil Biodiversity-Bio fertiliser has developed improved and efficient strains of bio fertiliser specific to different crops and soil types. Liquid Bio fertiliser technology with higher shelf life has also been developed.
