
In India transportation for the local market is brought by bullock carts or tractor trollies. In this case, and, with improper packaging, 30-40% perish in transit. Apart from the cost of direct losses there is the additional cost of transportation. Normally, the cost of transportation is negligible compared to the volume of business. Expensive labour in the cities is used in waste removal, for sorting and grading to cater to the needs of different market segments. Proper packaging will help avoid this. Hence, it is sensible to spend some money in preparing the transportation, as it will still be economical.

The carts, trailors, and trucks used in the field should have good suspension and low type pressure to avoid excessive jolting of produce and should be driven slowly. Long distance transportation is mainly by road and is costly. The basic reason in preferring the road transportation is that it takes short transit period and hence less transit damage. The contribution of rail transport in movement is relatively low. Because of the wastage etc. Introduction of longer and bigger vehicles (volumetrically), on the tractor trailer or trucks for transportation will help in getting rid of some evils. Where produce is likely to be left standing in a vehicle for more than an hour, it is necessary to provide some form of ventilation.

The use of refrigerated trucks for the purpose has proved to be expensive. Unless certain amount of initial processing takes place as mentioned earlier, it may not be possible to use modified atmosphere systems like nitrogen spray which will keep the ambient modified to allow longer shelf-life The use of railway wagons will continue to be difficult unless there is reluctance on the part of the railways.
