Gabion Structure

In watershed area conservation of soil and utilization of each and every drop of water is very important. Without much harms to the soil conservation of soil and water can be done by agronomical practices or mechanical practices which end at encouraging water to infiltrate into the soil, reduce its velocity and check run-off losses. Gabion structure is one of the mechanical measures.

Gabion Structure

Gabian structure is constructed at the nala where other water conservation works cannot be taken. It should not be constructed at nala turning. While selecting the site of Gabion structure care should be taken that due to structure soil on the bank should not be blown. This structure is preferred in the middle reaches of the watershed area.

In this structure, rough stones are tangled by the iron net are placed. Height of this structure should not be more than 1m. or should not be more than 1/3 of the depth of the nala. For this locally available stones (Anghad) are used. Due to this structure run-off is reduced and soil erosion is restricted. It helps infiltration of water in the soil.
