

Barns-The place where the milch animals are kept, while planning a new barn, the size and location of the barn with relation to the entire farm, the field roads, drainage channels, prevailing winds, land scaping should be considered.

  • The location of fodder and feed storage building should be included in plan.
  • The requirements of the dairy cows and calves should also be considered.
  • Milk straining, weighing, cooling and cleaning of the milk utensils required.
  • Significant amount of labour.
  • Site should be well drained.
  • It should located near the highway.
  • Milking parlour/room should be located 6m away from the main shed.
  • Layout of barn should be north, south in direction for ventilation there should be netting of 125-150 cm. from the wall of barn.
  • There should be supply of clean water in plenty.


  • Loose housing

In this type cattles are free. For this type construction cost is very less and extension of barn can be made without much changes. Due to exercise and having free, cattle are healthy and milk yield is more. But this method is not scientific.

  • Tail to tail method

This method has advantage of saving time while cleaning the barn as much of time require for back side of the cattles. This method has following advantages being a scientific method.

  1. There is an advantage of space while milking and cleaning.
  2. Due to opposite face there is less risk of transferring mouth diseases of cattle, which may spread by respiration.
  3. Cattles get plenty of fresh air.
  4. At time peoples who engaged in cleaning and milking can be easily watch by the owner
  5. Easy detection of any injury or bleeding or wound causes at the backside of cattle.
  • Face to face method

Having opposite faces it has a presentable look.


Cattles feel free and ease.

Cattle feed can be placed easily.

For less availability of place, it is very suitable.

It requires more sunlight.

It is not a scientific method.

Space for Carrying Feed and Fodder.

It is between the outer wall and feed alley having width 100 cm.

Feed Alley

It should have 75 cm. width, 50-60 cm. height at the backside and at front 15-20 cm. height so that feed should not be placed outside. It should be prepared by cement concrete.

Space For Cattle

For standing the cattle space should be about 150 cm. having width should be 100-200 cm. Floor should be built by bricks and place a layer of concrete giving 1% slope.


Width of gutter should be 50 cm. having depth of 15 cm. After cleaning of cattle barn to drain the water quickly it should have slope upto 2%.

Considering 100-120 cm. space for each animal length of barn should be determine by number of animals to be kept in the barn. To protect the cattle from heavy rain and winter, the netted part of barn should be closed by a curtain of gunny bag.

Space Required for Cattle (Sq.ft)



Close Space

Open Space

Feed alley
per animal (inch)

















Pregnant cow





Servicing bull




Maintenance of Cattle Barn

  • In case of close housing, cattle barn should be cleaned twice in a day. Barns kept dry and clean and do not stored cow dung and other waste.
  • During period of disease or atleast twice in a year waste of barn should be burnt. Also floor of barn, bottom of feed alley and wall should be burn by using kerosene flame stove with due care. Lime powder should be spread on the floor.
  • Barn should be disinfectant by using Melathion 1% or phenyl 5%, and feed alley and floor should be clean by using 2% sodium hydroxide or 4% sodium carbonate.
  • Water tank should be painted by lime. In drinking water 0.01% potassium paramagnet should added. During summer floor of barn should be dug and add 20 kg of B.H.C. of 10% and level the land and keep as such for a month.
  • During winter, roof of barn should be covered with grass so that barn will be warm. And during summer, spread grass on the roof having asbestos sheet or galvanised sheet and sprinkle the water.
  • Electrical transmission wires should be 1.5 m above the ground level.
  • During summer atleast upto 10 m surrounding the barn, dried grass should be burnt to avoid fire hazards.
