BAYER INDIA LTD. BG-Agro, Bayer House
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076
Phone: 022-5700300 Extn:1257

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Bayrusil is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 25% w/w active ingredient, balance emulsifier and solvent.

Crop Cotton
Common name of the pest Aphids White fly Bollworms

Dosage per hectare
a.i.(gms. %)

300 300 500
Formulation (ml.) 1200 1200 2000
Dilution in water (Ltrs.) 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000
Interval between final spray & harvest in days. - - -

Bilcyp is a new, highly-active, cypermethrin-based pyrethroid insecticide.

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Crop Cotton
Common name of the pest Spotted Bollworm American Bollworm Pink bollworm
Dosage per hectare
a.i.(gms. %)
50-70 50-70 50-70
Formulation (ml.) 550-760 550-760 550-750
Water in (Ltrs.) 150-1000 150-1000 150-1000
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. 7 7 7

Confidor 200 SL

Confidor 200 SL is a systematic insecticide containing imidaclopride active ingredience, balance auxillaries and inert materials. It is used as a foliar spray for the control of sucking and some other insects.

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Recommendationfor Use :
Crop Cotton
Common name of the pest Aphid, Whitefly, Jassid Thrips
Dosage per hectare
a.i. (gms. %)
Formulation (ml.) 0.10-0.125
Dilution in water (Ltrs.) 500-700
Interval between last application & harvesting (days) 40

CYPERMETHRIL is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. It is extremely active against a number of insects. It controls insects which have become resistant to conventional insecticides.

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Crop Cotton
Common name of the pest Bollworms Jassids & Thrips
Dosage per hectare
a.i. (gms. %)
40-70 20-30
Formulation (ml.) 160-280 80-120
Dilution in water (Ltrs.) 400-800 200-300
Interval between final spray & harvest in days. -

Gaucho 70 WS (Systemic Insecticide)

Gaucho 70 WS is a systemic insecticide containing imidacloprid active ingredient, balance auxillaries and inert material. Gaucho 70 WS is a low toxicity, systematically acting insecticide with a broad spectrum, of activity for controlling sucking insects.

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Recommendationfor Use :
Crop Cotton
Common name of the pest Aphids,Whitefly, Jassid, Thrips
Dosage per hectare
a.i. (k.g.)
Formulation k.g. 0.50-1.0
Lebaycid 1000

Lebaycid has a broad spectrum of activity and is specially effective against fruitflies, leaf hopper, shoot borers, rice stem borer, mealy bugs and scales.

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Crop Fibre crops
Common name of the pest Jassids Red cotton bug Whitefly
Dosage per hectare
a.i.(gms. %)
750 750 750
Formulation (Ltrs.) 0.75 0.75 0.75
Water in (Ltrs.) 500 500 500
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. 14 14 14

Metacid 50

Metacid 50 is an insecticide with a very broad spectrum of activity. It kills nearly all sucking and biting pests by its contact and stomach poison.

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Crop Fibre crops
Common name of the pest Aphids Jassids Whiteflies Red hairy caterpillar Bollworms
Dosage per hectare
a.i.(gms. %)
500 0.025% 0.025% 0.025% 0.02
Formulation(Ltrs.) 1.0 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.3-0.4
Water in (Ltrs.) 500 750 750 750 750-1000
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. 7 7 7 7 7


Metasystox is a emulsifiable concentrate containing 25% w/w Oxydemeton-methyl=S-(2-(ethyl-sulphinyl)-ethyl phosphorothioate. It is a systematic insecticide and acaricide for the control of sucking pests.

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Crop Fibre crops
Common name of the pest Aphids Jassids Whiteflies Mites Thrips Steam weevil
Dosage per hectare
a.i.(gms. %)
300 300 0.02% 188 0.025% 0.05%
Formula-tion (Ltrs.) 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.750 0.5 1.0
Water in (Ltrs.) 500 500 500 500 500 500
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. 14