l  Development of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Type :

Central Sector Scheme

Objective : The main objective of the scheme is to conserve and promote the cultivation of important medicinal and aromatic plant species and extend the area under these crops in the country.
Assistance to farmers :

Establishment of demonstration-cum-seed multiplication plots@ Rs. 1,50,00.00 per plot of 0.05 ha.

Eligibility :

All farmers are eligible.



Director Horticulture/Director Agriculture of the States. Application can be given to local Horticulture/Agriculture Inspector.

State level :

Director (Horticulture) Director (Agriculture)/Vice Chancellor of SAUs. Regarding planting materials.

District level :

Some States have Deputy Director level Officer but many States do not have officers at District level.

Implementation Status :

Being continued during Ninth Plan.


l Commercial Floriculture

Type :

Central Sector Scheme


  • To establish Model centres at selected locations in major floriculture zones.
  • To arrange multiplication and distribution of improved quality planting material among farmers.
  • To create facilities for post-harvest handling and management.
  • To provide training to farmers and entrepreneurs in advanced methods of commercial floriculture.
  • To establish linkages, between growers and industry.
  • To encourage formation of farmer’s cooperatives, technical advice and marketing assistance in groups.
Eligibility :

All farmers are eligible.

Person to Contact :

DAC: Horticulture/Director Agriculture of the States. Application can be given to local Horticulture Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner (Hort.)

State Level :

Director (Horticulture)/Director (Agriculture)

District level


Some states have Dy.Director level officer but many States do not have officers at District level.

Implementation Status :

Being continued during Ninth Plan.

l Mushroom cultivation

Type :

Central Sector

Objectives : To create infrastructure facilities for production of quality spawn pasteurized compost and training in mushroom cultivation.

Assistance to farmers


Training of farmers @ Rs.500/- per participant.



All farmers are eligible.


: Director Horticulture/Director Agriculture of the States. Application can be given to local Horticulture/Agriculture Inspector.

Person to Contact

: DAC: Horticulture Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner (Hort.)

State level

: Director (Horticulture)/Director (Agriculture)

District level

: Some states have Dy.Director level officer but many States do not have officers at District level.

Date of Start/Duration

: Eighth Plan

Implementation Status

: Being continued during Ninth Plan.


l  Integrated Programme for Development of Spices


: Centrally Sponsored


: To increase the production of various spices grown in the country to meet the domestic and export demand keeping up the quality to the international standards.
Assistance to farmers : Black pepper
  • Planting material @ Rs.0.75 per cutting or 50% assistance
  • Rehabilitation of old pepper gardens:
  • 1st year- 50% or Rs. 3,500/- per ha.
    2nd year- 25% or Rs. 1,300/- per ha.
    3rd year- 25% or Rs. 1,600/-per ha.

  • Distribution of input kits costing Rs. 125/- each is supplied at 20% cost i.e. Rs. 25/- each.
  • Planing protection measures against quick wilt @ 50% cost or Rs. 1,860/-per ha.
  • Eradication of little leaf disease: Compensation @ Rs. 25/- per vine eradicated.
  • Field demonstration @ 50% of input cost to a maximum of Rs. 515/- for three years.


  • Establishment of demonstration-cum-seed multiplication plot of 0.1 ha. @ 50% to a maximum of Rs. 1,200/-per plot.
  • Distribution of minikits @ 50% or Rs. 25/-each.
  • Plant protection demonstration @ 50% or Rs. 1,000/-per ha.
  • Area expansion programme @ 25% or Rs. 5000/-per ha.


  • Establishment of demonstration-cum-seed multiplication pmlots @ 50% or Rs. 825/-per plots of 0.1 ha.
  • Area expansion @ 25% or Rs. 4,000/- per ha.
  • Assistance for polishing drums @ 0% or Rs. 1,500/-per drum.


  • Establishment of demonstration-cum-seed multiplication ploots of 0.1 ha. @ 50% or Rs. 700/- plots.
  • Demonstration of plant protection measures @ 50% or Rs. 200/- per ha.
  • Distribution of minikits @ 50% or Rs. 50/-each.
  • Area expansion programme @ 25% or Rs. 3000/-per ha.
  • Establishment of paprika demonstration @ 50% or Rs. 800/-per plot of 0.1ha.


  • Production and distribution of planting material @ 50% cost or Rs.5/- each



All farmers are eligible.



Director Horticulture/Director Agriculture of the States.

Person to Contact


Application can be given to local Horticulture/Agriculture Inspector.

State level


Director, Directorate of Spices Development, Calicut.
Director (Horticulture)/Director (Agriculture)

District level :

Some states have Dy.Director level officer but many States do not have officers at District level.

Date of Start/Duration


DAC : Horticulture Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner (Hort.)

Implementation Status


Being continued during Ninth Plan.


l   Development of Bee-keeping for Improving Crop Productivity



Central Sector

Objectives : To promote the role of honey bees as agents of pollination for increasing crop productivity; Assist cooperatives in primary processing, storage of honey and impart training to the farmers.

Assistance to farmers

  • Assistance for honey bee colonie @ 50% of cost or Rs. 150/- per colony for 20 colonie through the State Designated Agencies (SDA)
  • Assistance to Bee breeders @ Rs. 2.00 lakhs
  • Assistance for training @ Rs.1000/- per beneficiary.

Pattern of Assistance


100% Central Assistance



All farmers are eligible.



SDAs/Director Horticulture/Director Agriculture of the States. For availing soft loan, application are to be sent to the National Horticulture Board.

Person to Contact :

DAC: Horticulture Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner (SWCE)

State level :

I/C State Designated Agencies. Director (Horticulture)/Director (Agriculture) Implementation Status - Being continued during Ninth Plan.

l  National Pulses Development Project (NPDP)

Type :

Centrally sponsored Scheme


: The objective of the scheme is to increase the production of Pulses in the country to achieve self-sufficiency.



The farmers who take up the production of oilseeds in the projected districts in the 26 States i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkam, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Goa, Delhi and West Bengal.

Procedure :

Farmers who take up the pulse production programme may contact Director of Agriculture in the concerned States.

Person to Contact


Additional Secretary (TMOP), Krishi Bhawan, New-Delhi- 110 001. Phone: 011-3383830.
Joint Secretary (TMOP), Krishi Bhawan, New-Delhi 110 001.

Date of Start/Duration


1992-93 and continuing scheme at present sanctioned for IX Plan and likely to be continued during X Plan.

  Accelerated Maize Development Programme (AMDP)

Type : Centrally sponsored Scheme



The objective of the scheme is to increase the production of Maize in the country to achieve self-sufficiency.


: The farmers who take up the production of Maize in the projected 255 districts in the 23 States i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkam, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Goa, Delhi and West Bengal.



Farmers who take up the pulse production programme may contact Director of Agriculture in the concerned States.

Person to Contact


Additional Secretary (TMOP), Krishi Bhawan, New-Delhi- 110 001. Secretary (TMOP), Krishi Bhawan, New-Delhi 110 001.
Senior Processing Technologist, II nd Floor, B Wing, Janpath Bhawan, New Delhi-1

Date of Start/duration

: 1995-96 and continuous scheme at present sanctioned for IX Plan and likely to be continued during X Plan.

Government subsidy on Improved Implements

Improved agricultural implements are used to carry out farm operations quickly efficiently and in time. Due to efficient and timely operations production increases. There is also saving in human labour and bullock power required for carrying farm operations. This is particularly necessary in recent times due to less availability and costly human labour. Sowing seeds properly sowing seeds and fertilizers simultaneously, lifting water from wells, etc. are specially advantages of improved implements. To encourage farmers to make use of these implements, the Government of Maharashtra has been granting subsidy on buying some selected improved implements.

Features of the scheme:

  1. This is state sponsored scheme with 50% subsidy on the prices of the implements with ceiling limit of Rs.10,000/- per farmer.

  2. The scheme is implemented by Agricultural Development Officers of Zilla Parishads.

  3. The implements included in the scheme are:

  1. Seed-cum- fertilizer drill (Tractor or bullock drawn).

  2. Multi crop thresher (machine operated) (with or without motor)

  3. Sunflower thresher (machine operated)

  4. Machine operated rice thresher (with or without motor).

  5. Groundnut thresher (hand operated or machine operated).

  6. Reaper –Wheat harvester –cum-thresher (machine operated).

  7. Paddy transplanter.

  8. Multipurpose tool-bar carrier

  9. Groundnut harvester

  10. Bullock operated rice puddler

  11. Maize sheller –machine operated (with or without motor).
