Small onions/Shallots are originated from Central and South East Asia and used asone of the regular
vegetable ingredient in food preparation of South Indian cuisine. The major small onion growing
states are Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Most of the production of small onion is domestically consumed and the arrivals from Karnataka and
Andhra Pradesh facilitate domestic demand as well as export demand. With favourable rainfall and
normal production of shallots, arrivals from major production centres will provide no scope for price
Result from analysis of Price Forecasting Scheme of Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development
Studies (CARDS), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore is the farm gate price for
the good quality small onion will prevail around Rs. 21-23per kg during May- June, 2016. Hence,
farmers are advised to take appropriate selling decision according to the market advisory.