Aries House, Plot No.24, Deonar, Bombay 400 043. India
Tel : +91-22-5564052/53, 5571410/1369, 5951018 Fax : +91-22-5564054













AGROMINAGROMIN is Aries’ Research based product developed with the object of safeguarding and increasing crop yield.

AGROMIN provides essential plant nutrients such as Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium in Chelated Form and Boron and Molybdenum in ideal predetermined proportions. AGROMIN prevents and corrects trace element deficiency from the onset. If any of these nutrients are in short supply, the crop fails to fully utilize the major nutrient fertilizers due to lack of balanced nutrition.

AGROMIN increases the crop yield by :
· Correcting micronutrient deficiencies and ensuring better nutrient balance.
· Producing stimulatory effects on various enzyme reactions.

AGROMIN also contains a wetting and dispersing agent which ensures the absorption by the plant with minimum wastage.

AGROMIN is a most effective source of micro elements for all crops.

Packs : 500 g; 1 kilo; 25 kilo 




PLANTOMYCIN is a combination of antibiotics for the control of bacterial diseases in plants.

PLANTOMYCIN contains Streptomycin Sulphate, Tetracycline Hydrochloride and adjuvants for better absorption and penetration of antibiotics. PLANTOMYCIN’s systemic action ensures free translocation in the plant and direct action on pathogens. PLANTOMYCIN controls bacterial diseases and therefore, helps increase yield.

PLANTOMYCIN is proven to be effective against a number of bacterial diseases including Blast of Paddy, Fire Blight in Apple, Halo Blight in Beans, Citrus Canker in Citrus, Seedling Blight in Cotton, Black Leg and Soft Rot in Potato, Wild Fire in Tobacco, Bacterial Leaf Spot in Tomato and Chilli, Angular Leaf Spot in Cucumber, Bacterial Leaf Blight in Rice and Blister Blight in Tea.

PLANTOMYCIN is a stable, free flowing fine powder that is fully soluble in water.

PLANTOMYCIN is non-toxic and safe for use on crops in recommended concentrations. It is compatible with other water sprayable agrochemicals.

Packs : 100 g; 1 kilo; 25 kilo




CHELAMINChelamin is a chelated zinc foliar spray Being chelated, the zinc dissolves readily in water. A wetting and dispersing agent facilitates complete absorption by the plant. The results are spectacular.

How to recognise zinc deficiency ?

Pale patches, yellowing and mottling of leaves are symptoms of zinc deficiency - so are shortening o stem and stalk internodes giving a rosetted bushy look; thickened, narrow leaves; delayed growth of plant with withering, and bare twigs due to early foliage loss.

Why your crop needs CHELAMIN ?

Zinc deficiency results in poor crop quality and reduced yield. Zinc deficiency is generally due to three causes:

1. Soil conditions.
2. Certain farming practices, like heavy doses or prolonged use of phosphatic fertilisers.
3. Cold, wet weather.

Chelamin corrects zinc deficiency rapidly. It does not interact adversely with other other chemicals. In fact, Chelamin helps plants to benefit fully from other fertilisers and manures.

Benefits of CHELAMIN

The results of Chelamin are immediate as well as long range.

Immediate : Healthy green leaves. Improved growth.

Long Range: Chelamin reduces withering in patches. Stops formation of abnormally small leaves. Increases resistance to diseases. Boosts growth rate. Substantially increases yields.

Chelamin is available in 50 gms. 100 gms and 200 gms pack.
