Bayrusil |
Bayrusil is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 25% w/w active
ingredient, balance emulsifier and solvent. |
Crop |
Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Aphids |
White fly |
Bollworms |
Dosage per hectare a.i.(gms. %) |
300 |
300 |
500 |
Formulation (ml.) |
1200 |
1200 |
2000 |
Dilution in water (Ltrs.) |
500-1000 |
500-1000 |
500-1000 |
Interval between final spray & harvest in
days. |
- |
- |
- |
Bilcyp |
Bilcyp is a new, highly-active, cypermethrin-based pyrethroid insecticide. |
Crop |
Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Spotted Bollworm |
American Bollworm |
Pink bollworm |
Dosage per hectare a.i.(gms. %) |
50-70 |
50-70 |
50-70 |
Formulation (ml.) |
550-760 |
550-760 |
550-750 |
Water in (Ltrs.) |
150-1000 |
150-1000 |
150-1000 |
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Confidor 200 SL |
Confidor 200 SL is a systematic insecticide containing imidaclopride
active ingredience, balance auxillaries and inert materials. It is used as a foliar spray
for the control of sucking and some other insects. |
Recommendationfor Use : |
Crop |
Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Aphid, Whitefly, Jassid Thrips |
Dosage per hectare a.i. (gms. %) |
0.020-0.025 |
Formulation (ml.) |
0.10-0.125 |
Dilution in water (Ltrs.) |
500-700 |
Interval between last application & harvesting (days) |
40 |
Cybil |
CYPERMETHRIL is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. It is extremely active
against a number of insects. It controls insects which have become resistant to
conventional insecticides. |
Crop |
Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Bollworms |
Jassids & Thrips |
Dosage per hectare a.i. (gms. %) |
40-70 |
20-30 |
Formulation (ml.) |
160-280 |
80-120 |
Dilution in water (Ltrs.) |
400-800 |
200-300 |
Interval between final spray & harvest in days. |
- |
Gaucho 70 WS (Systemic Insecticide) |
Gaucho 70 WS is a systemic insecticide containing imidacloprid active
ingredient, balance auxillaries and inert material. Gaucho 70 WS is a low toxicity,
systematically acting insecticide with a broad spectrum, of activity for controlling
sucking insects. |
Recommendationfor Use : |
Crop |
Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Aphids,Whitefly, Jassid, Thrips |
Dosage per hectare a.i. (k.g.) |
0.3500-0.70 |
Formulation k.g. |
0.50-1.0 |
Lebaycid 1000 |
Lebaycid has
a broad spectrum of activity and is specially effective against fruitflies, leaf hopper,
shoot borers, rice stem borer, mealy bugs and scales. |
Crop |
Fibre crops Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Jassids |
Red cotton bug |
Whitefly |
Dosage per hectare a.i.(gms. %) |
750 |
750 |
750 |
Formulation (Ltrs.) |
0.75 |
0.75 |
0.75 |
Water in (Ltrs.) |
500 |
500 |
500 |
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. |
14 |
14 |
14 |
Metacid 50 |
Metacid 50 is an insecticide with a very broad spectrum of activity. It
kills nearly all sucking and biting pests by its contact and stomach poison. |
Crop |
Fibre crops Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Aphids |
Jassids |
Whiteflies |
Red hairy caterpillar |
Bollworms |
Dosage per hectare a.i.(gms. %) |
500 |
0.025% |
0.025% |
0.025% |
0.02 |
Formulation(Ltrs.) |
1.0 |
0.375 |
0.375 |
0.375 |
0.3-0.4 |
Water in (Ltrs.) |
500 |
750 |
750 |
750 |
750-1000 |
Waiting Period in Days from last spray to harvest. |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Metasystox |
Metasystox is a emulsifiable concentrate containing 25% w/w
Oxydemeton-methyl=S-(2-(ethyl-sulphinyl)-ethyl phosphorothioate. It is a systematic
insecticide and acaricide for the control of sucking pests. |
Crop |
Fibre crops Cotton |
Common name of the pest |
Aphids |
Jassids |
Whiteflies |
Mites |
Thrips |
Steam weevil |
Dosage per hectare a.i.(gms. %) |
300 |
300 |
0.02% |
188 |
0.025% |
0.05% |
Formula-tion (Ltrs.) |
1.2 |
1.2 |
0.4 |
0.750 |
0.5 |
1.0 |
Water in (Ltrs.) |
500 |
500 |
500 |
500 |
500 |
500 |
Waiting Period in
Days from last spray to harvest. |
14 |